This condition, which causes the patient and often his doctor, a good deal of concern is due to free floating particles (Calcium Carbonate crystals) in the balance organ of the inner ear. The condition can follow head injury. Typically, symptoms begin when the...
Dr Gordon was part of a specialist medical team on a medical mission in Fiji. The team received a lot of positive coverage in the local media: Fiji Times: Aussie surgeon in Fiji to operate on girl with blocked airway Fiji Village: 2-year-old girl yet to receive...
Australasian Jewish Medical Federation, Eduard Pudel, Fiji National University, Florabelle Taylor Moses, Gail McNaught, Israel Foreign Ministry’s Mashav Agency for International Development Cooperation, Israeli embassy, Jioji Konousi Konrote, Mark Fajgman,...
A team of three Australian ENT (ear-nose-throat) specialists and a nurse arrived in Fiji last week to provide free health screenings and surgeries for dozens of children at the Colonial War Memorial Hospital in Suva. The humanitarian medical mission was arranged by...